Thursday, June 13, 2024

Class Celebration

For our end of the year Class Celebration, we planned a Water Fun Day.  We ran through the sprinkler, had a water balloon toss and played drip, drip, drench!  We ended the afternoon with make your own ice cream sundaes!


Giving Back to the Community


          Four times during the school year, we made and sold "Popcorn Salad" to our entire little school during snack time.  We sold over 250 bags of "Popcorn Salad" for .25 cents per bag.  We learned about counting money, exchanging money for goods and participated as buyers and sellers.  After our last Popcorn Salad Day, we voted to donate our money to Stockbridge Community Meals to help provide meals for people in our community.  

Readers Tea


We had a Reader's Tea this week to celebrate the amazing readers we have become this school year.  Each student chose a book to read to the class.  We enjoyed smoothies and snacks after!

Boat Race

We designed and built boats from recycled materials and made our own paper sailor hats.  We raced our boats down the giant slip and slide!  So much fun!!!


Community Helpers


After learning about the different jobs people in pour community do, we gave some of those jobs a try!

Field Day

Thank you Ms. Lindsey for an amazing day of activities for Field Day!


Student Morning Meeting Leaders


All Kindergarten and 1st grade students have had a opportunity to be the Student Morning Meeting Leader.  The leader for our morning meeting gets to decide what we do for our greeting, sharing and an activity.  They must also write the morning message and read a story to the class.