Monday, March 28, 2022

Investigating Sound


We made paper cup telephones and used them to see if we could hear sounds through them.   We discovered that sound wave energy can be conducted (heard) through a stretched string.  

Friday, March 25, 2022

Sugar-on-Snow Party


Twirling and tasting sugar-on-snow.  What a yummy treat!  Some of us tasted it with dill pickles and doughnuts.  

Pancakes for Snack


Pancakes for snack taste so delicious when you make them yourselves.  

Measuring and mixing ingredients for pancakes.  

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Collecting Sap


Sap from the spout tastes so good!

We love checking our buckets each day to see how much sap has flowed from our trees.  

Sugarhouse Field Trip


Special thanks to Laurie and Dan Novotny for letting us visit their Sugarhouse.  
Laurie teaches us about the different container sizes and the different grades of syrup.  

Dunking doughnuts in warm syrup is so yummy!
Lots to see both inside and outside the sugarhouse.  

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Collecting Sap


We were so excited to check our sap buckets today to see if the sap ran .  We have 7 taps and we collected 7 gallons of sap today.  Ms.Laurie will take it home to the sugarhouse and boil it with their sap..

Today was our first sap run.  Each day we will record information about the weather and our run.  

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tapping Maple Trees


We tapped maple trees today with Mr. Novotny's help.   Thank you Dan.  So much fun!
We will record the weather, temperature and amount of sap for each day.  
We will visit our sap buckets each day to see if the sap is flowing.  

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Music in the Forest


"The Bucket Band" performs for the first time in the forest!  So much fun.  

Grabs some sticks and go for a walk in the forest to make some music.  

Do all trees makes the same sound when tapped with drum sticks?  Try it for yourself!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Gnome Ice Houses


How do you get blocks of ice to stick together?  Just ask BIG Friends and Little Friends.  We created colored ice block houses for our gnome friends today!