Friday, December 28, 2018

Gingerbread Man

 Each morning when we arrived at school, our gingerbread man was hiding in a different place.  We had to find him and write about where he was in our journals. 

 After reading our last gingerbread story, a note fell out of the book saying "Run, run, fast as you can,  you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man.  I  went to the office."  We followed the clues on the notes until we ended up back in our room where our gingerbread man was waiting for us with a basket of cookies and goodies to decorate them with. 

 "Looks good enough to eat."

 "We both ate the head first."

"Can't wait to take a bite."

Gingerbread Houses

 We had fun creating our own Gingerbread Houses.  "What should I put on for the roof?" "This could be the chimney". 

Super cool designs on our Gingerbread Houses!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Darn Tough Socks

Thank you Ms. Laurie for our amazing Darn Tough socks.  We will wear them on ski days beginning in January. 

Gingerbread Investigation

After reading many different versions of The Gingerbread Man, we were very curious about why the gingerbread man (boy, girl, cowboy, etc) didn't just jump in the river and swim away from the fox.  We put our gingerbread man in cups of water (the river) to see what would happen!!

Cobra Fun

 Kindergarten thru 4th graders at Cobra Gymnastics stretching and warming up with Coach Shelby. 

 We had SO much fun exploring all of the equipment!!
 The Bounce House with the slide was SUPER FUN!!
Thank you Coach Lori and Coach Shelby was an amazing time at the gym!

Picnic Lunch

Enjoying an inside picnic lunch with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders in our classroom before leaving for Cobra. 

Making cookies and Caroling with Rochester Friends

 Measuring and mixing ingredients together to make cookie dough.

 Rolling and cutting shapes from the dough.

 Decorating with sprinkles and colored sugars.

 Walking to the Park House to sing winter songs.

 Caroling at the Park House and sharing our cookies with them.