Sunday, May 27, 2018

Mama Robin

This Spring we watched as Mama Robin built her nest outside our back door right above the back door to Ms. King's classroom.  Soon after, we noticed bits of blue egg shell stuck to the outside of the nest.  This week we were able to witness "Mama Robin" feeding her babies. 

"That was so cool".
"I saw their little beaks above the nest".  
"That was amazing".  
"They are so adorable".  

Frog Faces

Frogs have long, sticky tongues to catch their food.  We learned this week it is not as easy as it looks to "catch your dinner" using your long., sticky tongue!!  We made frog faces, added a party blower tongue with a velcro dot at the end and tried to catch bugs with velcro dots on them. 

Aquatic Center

We had a super, amazing, fun trip to the Aquatic Center.  Thanks to Ron, Charity and Rebecca for joining us. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Readers Theater

We had so much fun learning and performing our Readers Theater plays. 
 Cast from "The Little Red Hen".
 Cast from "Stone Soup".  Below: cast from "Frog Food".

Luce Farm Field Trip

Thank you Joe and Rebecca.......we had an amazing time at the farm. 

 After eating our picnic lunch, we all added ingredients to the pot to make "Stone Soup".  We left the pot cooking on the wood fire while we met the animals on the farm.

 Collecting eggs in the chicken coop.  We didn't even crack any!!

 The goats are "SO adorable". 
 They wanted to follow us to the beaver pond. 
 Chatting with the goats. 

 The beavers have been busy. 
 "I'm a beaver"!

 Discovering frogs, tadpoles and salamanders in the pond. 
 Fun and games at the farm.

 Walking the tight rope sure is tricky!
 Trampoline fun!
 The spinning swing!

 Enjoying fruit pops after our hike up to the tee-pee.