Monday, June 18, 2018

Humane Society Donation

Four times during this school year, we made and sold "Popcorn Salad" to our entire little school during snack time.  We sold a total of 264 bags of popcorn salad at .25 cents per bag. 

We learned about counting money, exchanging money for goods and participated in this activity as a buyer and a seller.

After our last Popcorn Salad sale we decided to donate our money to a local charity.  We are animals lovers in this class, so we decided to give our money to the Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society.  Jackie and Mark stopped by school so we could present them with our check for $66.00. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Nature Arts Mandalas

We used materials found in nature and team work to create our  Mandalas.

We drew pictures of our Mandalas in our Nature Journals.

In the Loop: Ant Playgrounds

Students chose their own spots to place their loop and create an Ant Playground while we were at Luce Farm for our Nature Residency.    They were given 5 toothpicks to mark cool or interesting things in the playground space. 

We recorded our Ant Playground Spaces in our Nature Journals. 

Egg Carton Scavenger Hunt

During our Nature Arts Residency students were challenged with the task of filling their egg carton with specific items from nature that would fit in each egg carton section:  something round, something soft, something white, etc. 

  We recorded findings in our Nature Journals.

Nature Boats

We built boats with materials found in nature and floated them in the stream at Luce Farm during our Nature Arts Residency. 

 Many different designs for our boats.
 Thanks Mr. Schneider for excavating the stream bed so our boats could fit!!
They did float!!

Nature Arts Residency

 Sit-Spots: Observing Nature
 Tree Painting

 Building nests with nature materials.

 Drumming with Kate and Spencer.
 Singing in the tepee with Kate and Spencer.
 Nature weaving.

 Painting "tree cookies".
An amazing week long residency filled with dance/movement, singing and drumming, visual arts and listening spots all with a focus on nature.  Two days at SCS and two days at Luce Farm with Sable Arts Project artists: Kate Truini and Otto Pierce.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


We created a map of our community and placed our houses on the map showing where we live. 

Tozier's Restaurant

Special thanks to Bill, Sharon and Lauren for giving us a tour of the restaurant and teaching us about the jobs they do there and the tools they use to do those jobs.

 "What would like today?"
 "That will be $4.25 please".
 "Number 16 your order is ready". 
 "It is hard to choose.  There are so many yummy kinds of ice cream".
 Spokesperson and Future Manager of Tozier's Restaurant. (Bill and Sharon's grand daughter)  "Welcome to Tozier's.  How can I help you"?
 "We need 3 more cones please". 
 "I love purple ice cream".
"We love Tozier's Restaurant"!!