Monday, May 27, 2024

Rochester Fire Trailer


Special thanks to the Rochester Volunteer Fire Fighters for teaching us about fire safety.  

Reading Buddies

We had a fun time reading and sharing snack with our Rochester Kindergarten and 1st grade friends!


Bike Week


We had a great time riding our bikes at recess time during "Bike Week".  

After riding bikes all week, we went to the Rochester Pump Park to ride there.  

Thank you Mr. Colton for loading all of our bikes into your trailer and bringing them to and from Rochester.  
Thanks to the crew at Green Mountain Bike Shop for letting us stop in to learn about what kind of jobs they do at the bike shop.  
Ice cream on the park was a great way to end our week!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Frog Faces


After learning about what frogs eat and how their tongues help them catch their food, we made our own frog faces with long sticky tongues (velcro dot stuck on the end of the party blower).  We had fun trying to catch our dinner!

Frog Habitats


After learning about where frogs live, we made these great frog habitat dioramas.  



Special thanks to Justine, Zach and Alder for teaching us about your composting business.  

Alder shared a map of all the towns in Vermont that his dad picks up compost!

Math Problem Sloving


We love sharing our strategies for how we solve math problems.  It is so cool that we can solve them differently but still arrive at the same answer!

Math Games


We made our own spinners and game boards and had a great time playing "The Path Game".  

Mud Kitchen

Our classroom Mud Kitchen is open! 

We are having a great time mixing, measuring and making mud pies and cakes!